Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Our project was carried out with a great teamwork

Our project started in November.We created logo, poster and panel. We informed our parents about the project. We have received parents' petitions We introduced ourselves, our students, our school and our city.

We did dramatization work in December.

We played mind game in January.

We held safe internet events in February

We evaluated our students with the game we created on in March.

We made webinars during the project.
We organized parents' seminars. We created e books. We organized surveys. We create project common products. We added a lot to both ourselves and our students. Our project is about to end. Our project was carried out with a great teamwork.

Monday, 16 March 2020

our project poster

pupils design materials for the Be Careful project. By combining the materials designed by our pupils, our project poster will appear. We worked for the project joint product.


*Teddy Bear Story and *Find the different event

*Teddy Bear Story and *Find the different event


Thursday, 12 March 2020

İlknur Akbaş
Şehit Zeki İnan ilkokulu

Şubat ayı ders planı uygulandı.

İlknur Akbaş
Şehit Zeki İnan ilkokulu

Güvenli internet günü kodlama çalışması yapıldı.

İlknur Akbaş
Şehit Zeki İnan ilkokulu

Öğrenci webinarı 🥰
Be Careful eTwinning project

Şehit Zeki İnan ilkokulu anasınıfı öğrencileri ile
Kozlu Kocatepe ilkokulu anasınıfı öğrencileri buluştu 

Güvenli internet cümlelerine cevaplar verildi 
(doğru mu✅ yanlış mı ❌)kartlar kullanıldı..

Ordu,dan Zonguldak' a selamlar

İlknur Akbaş
Şehit Zeki İnan ilkokulu

İlknur Akbaş
Şehit Zeki İnan Primary School

Proje posteri öğrenci çalışması

Hale Şahin- Kozlu Kocatepe Primary School-Project Poster Student Works

Project Poster Student Works

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Nurdan Birlik /toki esenkent secondary school

project joint product work

Öğrencilerim  Be Careful  projesi için malzeme tasarladılar.Öğrencilerimiz tarafından tasarlanan materyalleri birleştirerek proje posterini oluşturduk.

Be Careful Project Report

Improving Attention Skills of Preschool Students Summary:  This study covers the studies applied to improve the attention skills of preschoo...